Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Hangover Special

This is for all of us who have woken up with that yucky taste in their mouth and a grumblin in their tummy and realized they have nothing to eat in the fridge. Or for those of us lucky enough to still be employed, after a rough Thursday night, sitting at your desk friday morning contemplating death, where do you go for a quick hit of grease to coat that stomach? Herein lies the answer to those questions if you are brave enough to enter a fast food joint for breakfast.
Now I put this note up now, this research has been compiled over time and under duress.
Lucky for you though, this compilation was partly made in airports, which means I had access to Dunkin Donuts!
So what are we dealing with? Well, you know we have Dunkin, which features a sausage egg and cheese on croissant. We also have Mcds with a sausage egg and cheese on a biscuit with a hash brown, and BK with a double croissanwich and hash browns. Also I got coffee from all 3...
So here we go!
Since BK is freshest in my mind, as my stomach is gurgling it now... The double croissanwich is a 2 layers of egg, 2 slices cheese, 1 sausage patty and 2 slices of bacon. It looks big and plump in the picture, but when I opened it up, I felt like a girl at the prom, disappointed at its size... But I jumped right on it anyway cause I needed it real bad! And sometimes size doesnt matter, because it actually tasted pretty damn good. I think with most breakfast sandwiches, when you go sausage, sausage becomes the dominant flavor and in this case that was true. It tasted like a perfect breakfast sausage. The croissant was definitely nothing resembling fresh, most definitely it had been frozen, so it didnt have that nice flakiness that you want from a croissant. and I can't say I tasted the cheese or eggs much, not that you need to, they just add to the bottom line of flavor. The bacon showed up every few bites to add a nice zing. Overall, I liked the sandwich because I like sausage, but it could be better. And if you don't go for sausage, well... just like a girl on prom night, you will be disappointed.
I've decided to finish sandwiches before we move on...
Next up in Mcds. I remember for the longest time thinking the biscuit sandwich with sausage and egg was the best fast food idea around. Maybe because when I think of biscuits I think of perfectly soft and buttery biscuits that I would get with gravy at a diner. So when I bit into this disappointing small sandwich(yes, Mcds suffers from the same lack of size issues that BK does) I was thoroughly disappointed. The biscuit was thick, and dense and dry. The sausage pattyhad a bit less flavor that that from BK. and the eggs... well, they were the same. Basically, the biscuit ruined my childhood memories of this once great sandwich, oh memories why have you forsaken me!
And finally there is DnD. The croissant here was a fresh croissant, or at least as fresh as DnD can provide, which is still much better than BKs croissant. It was actually flaky when I ate it! It was also bigger! I mean size is EVERYTHING! so big, and so filling. I was satiated like the prom queen(is she ever disappointed?). The sausage patty was also moister, and the cheese and eggs just seemed tastier and fresher too. What does that mean, it means less typing, because this sandwich was just that much better! DnD rocked it out!
So what have we learned here. Basically, its the bread that makes the sandwich. The fresher the better.
Moving on the hash browns. DnD didnt have any to offer, so they are out. Now Mcds does the single large hash brown. Again, my memory told me that this was prefered to the multiple little hash browns at BK. And again my memory must not be worth shit. The Mcds patty, though it was a bit crisp, was so insanely greasy, that it countered any crispness there might have been. And the flavor, not sure what it was, but it was like fake potato. God I was disappointed. BK has the pack of mini hash browns. These were actually much better. They were all crisp, and not greasy at all. I'm sure that has a lot to do with the size, as the little ones hold less oil inside the crisp outside. and they are bite size, how cute. I'm so confused, does size matter anymore?
Now we also have coffee to discuss, but honestly, anyone who has been to DnD knows that no matter how much work McDs has put into their coffee, DnD is still king of coffee. I mean come on, America Runs on Dunkin!
So what does it all mean? If you live on the east coast you are a lucky SOB, because you have DnD, which has the best sandwiches and coffee. So if anyone at Dunkin headquarters is reading this, stop making all us east coast expats sad, and give me dunkin in california. I mean shit, I had dunkin donuts in Panama for christs sake! Please help us!
PS. I wrote this blog while watching Lost Boys, talk about hangover cure!

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