Friday, January 23, 2009

Cheesey Gordita Crunch Challenge

It was a rainy day in San Francisco, the perfect day to take a short bus ride to the nearest taco bell for the cheesey crunchie challenge, pitting the original cheesey crunchy we all know and love against the new kid on the block, the bacon cheddar cheesey crunchy. we all know the original, so I will go into discussion on the bacon cheddar. the first thing you notice is the overwhelming taste of smoky bacon flavor. it wasnt enough obviously to stick some bacon pieces in with the cheese, they had to go all out and make a smokey bacon cheddar sauce to go with it. at first, i would say it was a bit much, but goin bite for bite with the original, I found that the bacon flavor after a few bites sinks in with all the accompanying flavors and textures that we know and love about the cheesey crunchie. so the question arises, does bacon truly make everything better? after some serious contemplation I decided that in this case, though the bacon flavor was in the end a nice addition, the original cheesey crunchy sticks to that tried and true taco bell flavor profile of faux mexican goodness, and the original is still the best. so for those who have not gone out and taken the challenge, please do so, and the conversation/debate can rage on.
Cheesey for life!


  1. richie - took down the challenge today and the original won. then i shit 10 minutes later. viva la cheesy crunchy!

  2. The Cheesy Gordita Crunch is by far the only reason to go to T-Bell and most likely the best "non-menu" item in all of fast food. Nothing says VIP like ordering something not on the big board and watching all the people behind you look on in amazement.
