Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Bucket Bowl 2009!

Its the Wednesday before the Superbowl. Where will you be Sunday if not in Tampa Bay? Will you be at your favorite sports bar with your friends and 1000 other strangers, downing wings and pitchers and holding that piss because the line for the bathroom is too long. Or more likely, in this day of HiDef TVs, you will be at home with a few friends and beers, and saving a ton of money in this horrible economy. But that leaves one question, what food will you be eating. Its the Superbowl, which means FRIED CHICKEN! But will it be KFC(no longer Kentucky Fried Chicken) or Popeyes, the dirty spinach swilling chicken of the south. 
Being on a limited budget myself and not wanting to clog my arteries too fast, the challenge is simple, which fried chicken and biscuit is better? To work up my appetite and kill some calories, I ventured down to the Fillmore section of San Fran where Popeyes and KFC live within 2 blocks of each other. You ask how does a 2 block walk kill calories. If you knew the neighborhood, you would know that you have to RUN from the restaurant to avoid the junkies hounding you for change. So really, after stopping in to Popeyes for a To Go order, I sprinted to KFC, not just to keep my change, but so noone would jump me for my food. But I digress, on to the food.
As I said, simple is the challenge, 2 pc Leg and Thigh with a Biscuit from both places. And we all know that even though white meat costs more, dark meat is better! Silly breasts.
On to the chicken. After digging into a leg of Popeyes, I find a nice crunch, with a bit of that Cajun flavor they claim to have. A nice few bites of fried goodness. So with that, I delved into the leg of KFC. First thing I get is salt, more than the Popeyes chicken. Then the pepper kicks in, not a bad finish, but maybe a bit heavy-handed. But the kicker here was the grease. I mean holy Marty Bernstein forehead! I felt like I had just bathed in grease, exponentially more so than Popeyes.  You can only hope the thighs would compare closer, but obviously wishes don't come true, and the flavor was in Popeyes favor, and KFC still has buckets more grease. All pieces had about the same amount of meat. I would also say that the lack of grease made the crunch of the fried skin on Popeyes that much better. In the end, hands down, Popeyes wins the chicken portion of the program. 
On to the Biscuits! I switched it up here and went KFC first. The first impression and most important, this is a dry biscuit. From there, I realize that there isn't much flavor either, much less the salt I got from the chicken. Now Popeyes biscuit on the otherhand was moist, and full of buttery flavor, with a nice salt finish. Now KFC did try to save themselves, in that they provided me a buttery spread packet for my biscuit. Now while this did add a bit of butter flavor, dry was still the order of the day. Popeyes hands down is the better biscuit. 
Conclusion, I think that is obvious at this point. But one more point in favor of Popeyes, the 2 pc and a biscuit cost $1.99 vs $3.65 for the same meal(with buttery spread) at KFC. So skip the wait at KFC this sunday if you are staying home, and go for Popeyes. 
Look for the next post within the week. And thanks for participating in this artery clogging fun!

1 comment:

  1. I think Church's Chicken would beat out Popeye's in both flavor and price, but I don't know if they exist in SF. They are all over the ghettos around LA. That alone should tell you it's good fried chicken.
